The New Testament Church
This study looks at one of the most confusing and misunderstood doctrines of the Bible. People have all kinds of ideas as to what a church really is. Some people think it is a building (a cathedral, or a place of worship). Others think of a church as a denomination and speak of the "Catholic Church," the "Presbyterian Church," the "Baptist Church," etc. Many Christians conceive the "Church" as consisting of all born-again believers in the world; a kind of "invisible, universal" church. Our task is to put aside these ideas and determine what God says a church is and is not.
A. Look up Matthew 16:18. This is the FIRST direct mention of the Church in the New Testament. Who established the Church? ____________
B. Look up John 1:42. What is the meaning of Peter's name? _________. Note: Peter's full name is Simon Peter bar Jona.
C. Look up 1 Peter 2:3-4, 6-8. Who did Peter identify as the "Rock" upon which the Church would be built? ___________
Note: The Old Testament is primarily addressed to the nation of Israel. The New Testament is mainly addressed to churches; do not confuse the two. The Bible makes the distinction in 1 Corinthians 10:32.
The word “church” or “churches” is found 114 times in the New Testament, and is rendered from the Greek word “Ekklesia.”
This word “ekklesia” has only one meaning – “a company of people called out for a specific purpose.” It has its roots in the democracies of the Greek city-states, when the Town Crier would call out the citizens to a meeting to conduct business.
In Matthew 16:18 the Lord Jesus did not change the meaning of ekklesia, but He distinguished it from other assemblies of the day with the personal pronoun “MY.”
Thus a New Testament church is the “Lord's Assembly.”
A. An assembly must be LOCAL.
1. People cannot “come together” and yet be all over the world! For example, an automobile is an “assembly” of many and various parts: How absurd to think of it as being everywhere – a “universal car”!
2. In all but about 15 instances, where it is used in a “generic” or “institutional” sense (that is, any church in general, no church in particular). The word church or churches is always used in connection with physical, geographic localities.
3. Look up the following Bible references and write down the actual cities or regions where some true churches were located (Romans 16:1; 1 Corinthians 1:2; 16:1,19; 2 Corinthians 8:1; Colossians 4:16; 1 Thessalonians 1:1; 1 Peter 5:13; Revelation 2:1, 8, 12, 18; 3:1, 7). ___________________________________________
4. For these reasons, the Bible knows nothing of a universal (catholic) world-wide “church.” The New Testament speaks of many churches which were all meeting in different locations.
B. An assembly must be VISIBLE.
1. People cannot “come together” and not be seen! Many like to talk about the “invisible church” (which allows them to move around in Christian circles) – but all the churches mentioned in the New Testament were “visible.”
2. Look up Philippians l:27 and 1Thessalonians 2:17 and 3:6. The apostle Paul, writing to the churches at Philippi and Thessalonica, desired to come and __________ these assemblies.
C. An assembly must be ORGANIZED.
1. An assembly is not a disorderly crowd. The word “assembly” implies organization.
a. Look up Colossians 1:18. A church is likened figuratively to a ________. The human body is an “assembly” of many parts; but does a pile of skin, flesh, organs, bones, etc., constitute a body? Of course not! They must be put together according to a plan. (See Psalm 139:14.)
b. Look up 1 Timothy 3:15. Here, a church is likened figuratively to a __________. The house you live in is also an “assembly”; but does a pile of bricks, timber, plaster, nails, etc., constitute a house? Of course not! These things must be put together according to a plan or blueprint. Study 1 Corinthians 3:9-11,16, where the Church at Corinth was likened to a temple.
2. A Church is to be organized – the blueprint is found in the New Testament.
D. An assembly must be CONSTITUTED.
1 By this we mean it must be made out of the right components. How absurd to assemble a motor vehicle out of milk, leaves, and uranium!! How foolish to build a house out of paper, bandages, and meat!!
2 So too, a New Testament Church is not to be made up of just anything – or anyone. God specifies the correct components in the New Testament.
3 Look up Acts 2:41. “Then they that gladly __________ his word were __________: and the same day there were ________ unto them about three thousand souls.”
(Fill in the missing words)
This verse gives God's order and qualifications for church membership.
a. Receive the Word of God = ___________
b. Baptism.
c. Added to the church (See also Acts 2:47; 5:14).
4. This is the only Scriptural way for people to become members of a New Testament church – salvation first, then baptism.
THE CHURCH HAS A LEADER. Man made religious organizations have their leaders: presidents, popes, moderators, cardinals, stewards, superintendents, etc. Each New Testament church also has a leader, but One vastly different from any of the above. Look up Colossians 1:18 and Ephesians 5:23-24.
A. Who is the Head of each New Testament church? ____________________
B. Each church is to be ______________ to its Head.
Look up Galatians 3:1 and 5:7. In what way is a church subject to its Head? ___________________________________________________
Note: Jesus Christ is not a “figure-head.” Any “church” which is not subject to Him and His laws
is out of control. No church has the right to make its own laws; it may only obey the laws already given by the Lord Jesus through His Word.
Look up Philippians 1:1. What are the 2 offices in a church? ___________ (elders, pastors) and _____________.
Look up 1 Timothy 3:1-13. This reference gives the qualifications required for these two offices.
Note: The terms bishop, elder and pastor are used interchangeably in the New Testament. We prefer to use the term “pastor” because the other two have been given unbiblical ecclesiastical connotations.
MY PASTOR. Look up 1 Peter 2:25; 5:4. Who is the Chief Pastor of my Church ? _________________
A. The word "pastor" means shepherd . Look up 1 Peter 5:2 and Acts 20:28. What does the Bible call the church in relation to its pastor? The F______.
B. According to 1 Peter 5:2 what is the duty of the pastor? _____________________________________
C. According to Ephesians 4:12-14 why has the Lord given my Church a Pastor? __________________________________________________________
D. According to Acts 20:1 7, 28-31 how will my Pastor protect me? _________________________________________________________
E. According to Hebrews 13:7 I am to _____________ my Pastor and ________________ him.
YOU AND YOUR PASTOR. Give your pastor your confidence, love, encouragement, and constant prayers. Be his co-worker. Go to him with your difficulties; call him when in need. He will do his best to help you with counsel from the Word of God. Never make him your idol – keep your eyes on the Lord, but neither harshly criticize your pastor or be a party to scheming against him (Read 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 and 1 Timothy 5:17-19). Love and appreciate the wife of your pastor also. She holds no office in the Church and has no authority – yet she is so important to her husband's ministry.
THE CHURCH MAKES DECISIONS. A true New Testament Baptist Church never makes laws - it simply follows its Lord's commands as set forth in His Word. In a practical sense, a church often needs to make decisions in keeping with this principle. Unlike the hierarchical systems of many religious bodies, Baptist churches practice what is known as Congregational church government, where the congregation decides.
A. Look up Acts 6:1-5. Who chose the seven deacons? _____________________________________________________________
B. Look up Acts 1:15-26. What preceded the vote of the church in electing a successor to Judas? ______________.
C. According to Matthew 18:17 what is the highest decision-making body in spiritual affairs? The ________.
D. According to Matthew 18:18 the decisions of a church congregation are ratified in H___________.
A. Each New Testament Church Is Self-governing. In Acts Chapter 15, men from the Church at Antioch came to the Church at Jerusalem to consider a matter of extreme doctrinal importance. After they determined the teaching of God's Word on the matter (vvs. 15-18), the issue was resolved. Even then, the Church at Jerusalem HAD NO AUTHORITY over the Church at Antioch. Their decision was that “we trouble not them” and they simply wrote a letter making a request (See v 19). This is a far cry from the hierarchical religious systems of man – where the various congregations within a denomination are controlled and dictated to by “higher authorities.”
B. Churches Are To Be Separate From Governments. The Word of God teaches a complete separation between the spiritual and the secular (See Matthew 22:21b). Christians are to be law-abiding citizens (Romans 13:1-7). Christians may disobey a civil law only in the case where they are compelled to disobey God's law (Acts 5:29). Governments should not involve themselves with the establishment or support of any particular religious group, except to offer security and protection as it would for all citizens of the land.
C. Churches May Scripturally Co-operate With Other Churches. Independence does not mean isolationism. Baptist churches may Scripturally co-operate in certain areas with other Baptist churches of like faith and order - provided such co-operation is voluntary, and does not violate the sovereignty, independence, and autonomy of each church.
D. New Testament churches worked together to support missionaries (See 1 Corinthians 16:1-3; Acts 11: 22-26; 2 Corinthians 8:9).
E. New Testament churches worked together in social relief (Acts 11.27-30; Romans 15:25-26). This financial assistance was a gift, not a loan.
F. New Testament churches were involved in regional fellowship. Galatians 1:2 – Churches (pl.) of _____________; 1 Corinthians 16:19 – Churches (pl.) of ______________; Galatians 1:22 – Churches (pl.) of _______________. (See also Colossians 4:16 where two churches were to share the Scriptures and other apostolic writings).
THE CHURCH IS A COMMISSIONED ORGANIZATION. The Lord Jesus Christ established His churches to continue His work here on Earth. This is not a social ministry, but a spiritual one. Just before the Lord returned to Heaven, He left His Church with what is known as the "Great Commission."
Look up Matthew 28:19-20. List below the verbs (actions) in these verses:
_____ ye.
_________ all nations.
____________ them.
_____________ them to observe.
This Great Commission is repeated in each of the Gospels and in the Book of Acts. Read them and see exactly what the mission of a New Testament church is (Mark 16:15; Luke 24:47; John 20:21; Acts 1:8; 1 Corinthians 15:58).
THE CHURCH HAS TWO ORDINANCES. Baptism & The Lord’s Supper will be taught in a later lesson.
THE CHURCH IS TO BE FINANCED. Tithing will be taught in a later lesson.
MY CHURCH AND ME. Having learned these many things about the New Testament Church, how should it be applied? Listed below are some practical suggestions for you to receive great blessings from your Church:
1 It is God's will for every bom-again believer to be a member of a sound, Bible-believing, New Testament church.
2 Look up Acts 2:47. "The __________ added to the __________ _________ such as should be saved."
3 Look up I Corinthians 12:18. God has ___________ the ___________ in the ___________.
B. LOVE IT. A Christian ought to love the things his Lord loves. Look up Ephesians 5:25. Christ ________ the __________ and __________ Himself for it.
1. Your Church is the place where you will grow, find comfort and fellowship, and serve the Lord. Write out Hebrews 10:25.
2. Plan now to attend as many of the services and meetings of your Church as you can. Decide in your heart never to miss a service unless absolutely necessary.