* The PDF version of this lesson includes several graphs to assist in understanding prophetic timelines.
One of the most interesting areas of Bible study deals with the subject of Bible PROPHECY and "things to come." It is such a large subject and so detailed that this particular study can only be of an introductory nature. As you grow in your Christian life, you will learn many things from the Bible about the future.
The aim of this lesson is to give you a basic framework to build on. The Return of our Lord Jesus Christ is one of the fundamental teachings of the Word of God. For every believer, the coming of Christ is referred to in Titus 2:13 as the B_________ H________.
A. In John 14: 1-4, Jesus said to His disciples in verse 3, "I W____ C_____ A ______."
B. In Acts 1:11, the two angels said to the disciples: "This _______ Jesus. . . shall so ________ in _______ manner..."
C. In Hebrews 9:28, this promise states that Christ shall appear A S________ T_______.
D. In 1 John 2:28 and 1 John 3:2, both of these verses say "He (Christ) S_______ appear."
E. The last promise of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Bible is "Behold I ______ __________" Revelation 22:12
THE FIRST COMING OF JESUS CHRIST: The first coming of Jesus Christ to earth (sometimes called the "first advent") is now a fact of history. Yet, before His coming into the world — first as a babe in Bethlehem, then as the crucified, buried, and risen again Saviour — all of these wonderful events were themselves Bible prophecies. There were hundreds of Old Testament prophecies relating to the First Coming of Jesus, each one was fulfilled exactly to the letter! There are EVEN MORE prophecies relating to His Second Coming, and they will also be fulfilled literally. Below are some of the major prophecies concerning the First Coming of Christ — and their actual historical fulfillment. Read these, then write out what the prophecy was.
Isaiah 7:14
Genesis 49:10
Micah 5:2
Zechariah 9:9
Psalm 41:9
Zechariah 11:12,13
Psalm 22:16
Psalm 69:21
Psalm 22:1
Psalm 16:8-11
Psalm 22:18
Isaiah 53:9
Matthew 1:23
Hebrews 7:14
Luke 2:11,15
Matthew 21:4,5
John 13:18
Matthew 26:15; 27:9,10
John 19:36,37; 20:20,25
Matthew 27:34
Matthew 27:46
Matthew 27:57-60
Acts 2:27
Matthew 27:35
In a sense, the first coming of the Lord Jesus Christ was in two stages: CRADLE – 30 years – CROSS
The coming of Jesus as a babe to Bethlehem was a private event, unnoticed by the world at large. Relatively few got to share the joy of the moment — primarily those who were looking and waiting for his coming (See Luke 2:25, 36-38; Matthew 2:1-2).
But when our Lord hung upon Calvary's cross, it was a public display — in view of all. So too, the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ will be in TWO distinct stages. We use two words to distinguish these phases: RAPTURE and REVELATION
THE RAPTURE OF THE SAINTS: This is the next event on God's prophetic calendar.
A. The term "rapture" is not found in the Bible, but its meaning "caught up" is.
B. Read the following key Scriptures about the Rapture: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-52; Philippians 3:20-21.
C. Now, answer the following as either TRUE or FALSE (Circle one)
1. The Rapture is an instantaneous event. T or F
2. The Rapture is only deceased Christians, that is, only those who "sleep" in Christ. T or F
3. At the Rapture, the Angels come to gather the saints and bring them to Heaven. T or F
4. At the Rapture, believers (saints) will be caught up into the air to meet Christ. T or F
5. At the Rapture, all Christians will receive a glorified resurrection body. T or F
6. Matthew 24:42 says the time of the Rapture will be known so we can get ready. T or F
7. In 2 Peter 3:3-9 the only reason the Rapture has not yet taken place is that the Lord wants to save the lost. T or F
This is the second phase of the return of Jesus Christ.
A. Read Revelation 19:11-16. Here the Lord Jesus is called:
1. F___________ and T______ (v11).
2. The W______ of G_____ (v 13).
3. The K_____ of K_____ and L_____ of L______.
B. According to Revelation 19:14 and Jude 14-15, the Lord Jesus Christ will return with ______________________
C. Read Zechariah 14:1-4. When Jesus Christ returns, He will set his feet down on the M_____ of _______.
D. Read 2 Thessalonians 1:7-10. The Revelation of Jesus Christ will be a time of V_____________ and D________________.
A. The Old Testament prophecy of Daniel reveals there will be a seven-year period between the two phases of the Second Coming of Christ.
1. Daniel 9:24 speaks of a time period of 70 weeks.
2. Daniel 9:25 shows that these "weeks" are in fact "heptads" or seven-year periods. From the going forth of the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem to Messiah (Christ) being "cut off' would be 69 weeks. From 445 B.C. to 30 A.D. equals 69 x 7, or 483 Jewish years, or 475 sidereal years. This part has been fulfilled.
3. Daniel 9:27 speaks of the 70th week yet to begin. The present 'Day of Grace' stopped God's prophetic dock at the end of the 69th week when Messiah was cut off, i.e., crucified.
4. The final seven years of Daniel's prophecy will begin with the Rapture. Christians will be caught up and will not be involved in any of the events which will transpire on the earth during this period.
THE JUDGMENT SEAT OF CHRIST: This event takes place in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ after the Rapture.
A. According to Romans 14:10 who will take part in this Judgment? __________________________________
B. According to Romans 14:12 what will we do in this Judgment? __________________________________
C. According to 2 Corinthians 5:10 what aspect of our lives will come under scrutiny at this Judgment. __________ _____________________________________________
D. Read carefully 1 Corinthians 3:9-15.
1. In verse 9 the church at Corinth is called God's ________________ the foundation of which is _____________ _____________ (verse 11).
2. The Lord is interested in how we __________ upon this foundation (verse 12).
3. According to verse 12 these works are likened to: _____ _____________________________________________
4. The Fire of this judgment will try the W_______ of the Christian.
5. According to verse 15 can a Christian who has never acceptably served the Lord now be lost and cast into Hell? ________
6. According to verse 14 what will the Christian who has acceptably served the Lord receive? __________________ ________________________________________________
E. The Bible speaks of these rewards as "Crowns." There are five crowns we can receive as a reward for our life as a Christian:
1. The Crown of ___________ (1Thessalonians2;19). The soul winner's crown!
2. The Crown of ___________ (James 1:12). The faithful Christian's crown.
3. The Crown of ___________ (2 Timothy 4:8). A crown for those who live and look for the Lord's return.
4. The I_______________ Crown (1 Corinthians 9:25). This is the crown for the victorious Christian.
5. The Crown of _________ (1 Peter5:4). This crown is for the faithful pastor.
A. According to Ephesians 5:22-32, the relationship between the Lord Jesus Christ and His church is likened to that between H________ and W_____.
B. According to 2 Corinthians 11:2, the church at Corinth was ____________ (engaged) to one Husband — Christ.
C. From John 3:29 and Revelation 22:17, one of the metaphors used of New Testament churches is "The B_______ of Christ."
D. The union of Bride and Bridegroom occurs at the Rapture and the wedding celebration is called in Revelation 19:7-9 the M___________ __________ of the __________.
DANIEL'S 70TH WEEK: While the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb are taking place in Heaven, an entirely different scene will unfold on earth.
A. The Book of The Revelation gives the details of the events of this seven-year period prophesied by Daniel — Chapters 6 through 18 in particular. It is a horrifying record of war, rebellion, catastrophe, and desolation. It is called by several names, including:
1. The Day of the LORD (Isaiah 2:12-22).
2. Tribulation (Deuteronomy 4:30; Revelation 7:14).
3. The Great Day of Wrath (Revelation 6:17).
B. Christians will not pass through any of this period. How do we know this?
1. According to Jeremiah 30:7, it will be a time of _____________’s _________ i.e., it has specifically to do with the Jews and the Nation of Israel. (See also: Daniel 9:24 – “thy people," "thy holy city"
2. The Lord's promise to His faithful church at Philadelphia was that He would ____________ them from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world (Revelation 3:10).
3. Our salvation through Jesus Christ assures us that we are not ________ unto wrath (1Thessalonians 5:9).
4. According to Luke 21:34-36 Christians are to be ready at all times, for the Rapture is (and always has been) imminent — i.e. it could happen at any time.
C. According to 2 Thessalonians 2:3,8 there will be the revealing of the M____ of S____ at the commencement of this seven-year period. This person is most commonly referred to as The Antichrist. He is the Devil incarnate. See 1 John 2:18.
D. According to Revelation 12:9, 12 _________ will be cast down to the earth at the mid-point of this period.
E. According to Daniel 12:1 then will come a time "...such as ________ W_______ since there was a nation."
F. Read Matthew 24:15-24. According to verse 21 this awful time is called the G______ T____________.
G. According to Matthew 24:29-30, the Second Coming of Christ to the earth occurs at the… ((Check one))
___ beginning
___ end
___ mid-way point
…of the Great Tribulation.
A. Following the return of Christ in glory, He will judge the N________ (Matthew 25:31-32).
B. According to Joel3:12-16 this judgment will take place in the Valley of _____________.
C. According to Revelation 20:2-3 Satan will be bound for _________ years.
D. According to Revelation 20:4 Christ will reign on the earth for _________ years.
E. According to Isaiah 2:4 the Millennium will be a time of _____________________________
F. According to Isaiah 11:1-10 the Millennium will be a time of _________________________
G. According to Zechariah 14:16 the Millennium will be a time of _______________________