"One Heart, One Purpose" Lesson #7

Who Is Jesus Christ?

This study is about the One who is the sum and substance, the center and essence of Bible Christianity.

If you take Buddha from Buddhism; if you take Mohammed from Islam; if you take Smith from Mormonism — you still have a system of belief. But, if you take Jesus Christ from Christianity — we have NOTHING!!

Christianity is not a system of beliefs, but a PERSON. We are not saved through rules and rites, but through a PERSON.

In this lesson we want to look at two things concerning Jesus:




A. Look up Galatians 4:4. Jesus was born of a ___________.

B. Look up Luke 2:5. Mary underwent a normal human pregnancy. She was ____________ with child.

C. Look up Luke 2:40. Throughout childhood, Jesus ____________ in a normal way. Read vv 41 -52.

D. Read John 4:7-9. To the woman of Samaria, Jesus looked like a typical ______________.

E. Read Isaiah 53:2. This prophetical description of the Lord tells us He had no _________.

F. Or attractive __________. According to Matthew 26:48-49 the Lord Jesus was so plain that Judas needed to kiss His cheek to identify Him to the soldiers.

NOTE: The “religious art” portraits of Christ as having blue eyes, long straight golden hair, and fair complexion are far from reality. Our Lord looked like a very average Jew — olive skin, brown eyes, and short black hair. He did have a beard.

G. Look up John 4:6. Jesus experienced _____________.

H. Look up Matthew 8:24. Jesus required ___________.

I. Look up Matthew 21:18. Jesus got _____________.

J. Look up Luke 22:44. Jesus suffered painful _____________.

K. Look up Hebrews 4:15. Jesus was ___________ in all things, just like you and I.

L. Lookup 2 Corinthians 5:21. Jesus knew _____ sin.

M. Look up John 19:33. Jesus died a physical ____________.


A. Look up John 1:14. Who is "The Word"? _________________

B. Look up John 1:1. The Word _________ God.

C. Look up John 5:18. Why did the Jews try to kill Jesus? _____________________________________________________

D. Look up John 5:23. How does this verse relate the Father and the Son? _____________________________________________________

E. Look up John 10:30. Jesus said He and the Father were _________.

F. Look up John 10:31-33. How did the Jews interpret John 10:30? ____________________________________________________

G. Look up John 14:9. Who do we see when we see Jesus? The _____________.

H. Look up John 20:28. What did Thomas say concerning Jesus? ____________________________________________________

I. Did Jesus rebuke Thomas for saying this? _________

J. Look up Hebrews 1:8. To whom is the title “O God” given? The _______

K. Look up 1 John 5:20. Who is the true God and eternal life? ________________

L. Look up Titus 1:3 and compare it with Titus 1:4. Who is referred to in each verse as “our Savior?” _____________________________________________

M. What does this mean? _______________________________________

N. Look up and compare Genesis 1:1 with John 1:3. What is the inescapable conclusion concerning Jesus Christ? ________________________________


From what you have learned above, the Lord Jesus Christ is a man and He is God. He is not 50% human and 50% divine, but 100% perfect in His humanity and 100% perfect in His deity. How can this be?? He is “The God-Man!”

This is a fact clearly taught in the Word of God, but it is one we certainly cannot fully comprehend.

A. Look up 1 Timothy 3:16. This verse says that Jesus is _________manifested in the ___________.

Remember back to Lesson #6 and the Bible teaching of ONE God manifested in THREE Persons. In studying about the Lord Jesus Christ we must appreciate ONE Person with TWO natures — a divine nature and a human nature. While we will never understand this truth, we can see it was accomplished in the miracle of the Virgin Birth of Christ.
B. If Jesus had a human mother and a human father, He would be just another man — sinful, needing to be saved, and totally incapable of saving Himself, let alone others.

C. If Jesus had no human mother and no human father, He would be unapproachable as God — holy, and dwelling in light inaccessible.

D. The Bible teaches Jesus to be the SON OF MAN (because Mary was His mother) and the SON OF GOD.

E. Look up Isaiah 7:14. This Old Testament prophecy of Christ said a ____________ would conceive.

F. Lookup Matthew 1:18. When Jesus was conceived in Mary's womb, she was __________ (engaged) to Joseph; and they had not come ______________ in marriage.

G. Look up Luke 1:35. The conception of Jesus in the womb of Mary was the miraculous work of the ___________ _____________. The birth of Jesus Christ was indeed supernatural!


A. Look up Luke 19:10 and Matthew 1:21. Jesus came to ____________.

B. Look up Romans 5:8. Christ died for ______________.

C. Look up Isaiah 53:6. What was laid upon Jesus when He died on the cross? _________________________________________________

D. Look up Romans 5:10. Through the death of Jesus Christ we are _____________ to God.

E. Look up Galatians 4:5. By His shed blood, Jesus is able to _____________ those who trust Him.

F. Look up John 3:16. For whom did Christ die? _____________________.

G. Look up Romans 10:13. Who can avail themselves of the death of Christ? ____________.

H. Look up John 19:30 and Hebrews 10:12. What needs to be added to the death of Christ on the cross to complete our salvation? ________________.


A. Look up John 20:1. On what day of the week did Jesus rise? The _________day, or ___________.

B. Look up Matthew 12:40. How long was Jesus in the tomb? _______________.

C. Read 1 Corinthians 15:3-8. List the appearances of the resurrected Lord as given here: ______________________________________

D. Look up Romans 4:25. Why was Jesus raised from the dead? __________________________________________________

E. Look up and carefully study 1 Peter 1:3-4. According to this Scripture, because of the resurrection of Christ, each believer has a “lively ______” for a wonderful inheritance, reserved in _________.


A. Look up Acts 1:3, 9. When did Jesus return to Heaven? __________________________________________________

B. Look up Hebrews 10:12. Where is Jesus at this present time? __________________________________________________

C. Look up Hebrews 7:25. Jesus is making _______________ for each believer.

D. Look up John 14:2. Jesus is preparing a ________________ for each of us who are saved.

E. Lookup 1 John 2:1. When a Christian sins, Jesus is an _______________ with the Father.

THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST (This subject will be studied in greater detail in a later lesson).

A. Look up John 14:3. Jesus said, “I will _________________________.”

B. Look up Acts 1:11. Who promised the return of Christ here? ________________.

C. Look up Titus 2:13. The return of Christ is called the ___________________.

D. Carefully study 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. What will happen to believers (living and dead) when Jesus returns? ___________________________________________________

E. Look up 1 Corinthians 15:51-52. When Jesus Christ returns for His people, how quickly will this event transpire? ___________________________________________________.

NAMES AND TITLES ASCRIBED TO JESUS CHRIST: ALPHA & OMEGA – Revelation 22:13; The BEGINNING &THE END – Revelation 22:13; The BLESSED HOPE – Titus 2:13; The BRIDEGROOM – Mark 2:20; The CHIEF SHEPHERD – John 10; The CHRIST – Matthew 16:20; The CORNER STONE – Isaiah 28:16; The COUNSELOR – Isaiah 9:6; The CREATOR – Isaiah 40:28; The DELIVERER – 2 Samuel 22:2; EMMANUEL – Matthew 1:23; The FAITHFUL & TRUE ONE – Revelation 19:11; The FIRST & THE LAST – Revelation 2:8; 22:13; The FOUNDATION STONE – Isaiah 28:16; The EVERLASTING GOD – Isaiah 40:28; The GOOD SHEPHERD – John 10; The GOD WITH US – Matthew 1:23; The HIGH & LOFTY ONE – Isaiah 57:15; The HOLY ONE OF GOD – Luke 4:34; The HORN OF MY SALVATION – 2 Samuel 22:3; The I AM – Mark 14:62; The JEALOUS One – Exodus 34:14; The KING OF GLORY – Psalm 24:7-10; The KING OF KINGS – Revelation 17:14; 19:16; The KING OF PEACE – Hebrews 7:2; The KING OF RIGHTEOUSNESS – Hebrews 7:2; The LAMB OF GOD – John 1:29,36; The LIFE – John 14:6; The LIGHT – John 1:5; 8:12; The LION OF JUDAH – Revelation 5:5; The LORD OF LORDS – Revelation 17:14; The MESSIAH – Daniel 9:26; The MIGHTY ONE OF ISRAEL – Isaiah 30:29; The MORNING STAR – Revelation 22:16; MY HIGH TOWER – 2 Samuel 22:3; The OFFSPRING OF DAVID – Revelation 22:16; The PRINCE OF PEACE – Isaiah 9:6; The ROCK of my salvation– Matthew 7:24,25; The SON OF GOD – Revelation 2:18; The STONE that the builders rejected – Matt 21:42; The TRUTH – John 14:6; The UPRIGHT ONE – Isaiah 26:7; The WAY – John 14:6; WONDERFUL – Isaiah 9:6; The WORD OF GOD – Revelation.